Chairman Bao is a Shih Tzu. We travel a lot. I drive. He watches. We've logged at least 10,000 miles and he's never once said, Sweetheart, don't you think you should stop and ask someone?

Friday, June 05, 2009

But, Mum! It's raining

Which, of course, is why everything is so lush and green. Duh! It's so
lush and green that there's moss growing on the tree trunks, and it's
been raining for three days and you know what? We're both getting a
bit tired of it.
Yesterday was a free day and we went to the AT&T store in nearby Mt
Kisko so I could buy a new iphone charger to replace the one I left at
the last hotel. (I always manage to lose something. But Bao is very
sweet about it, and never says a word)
Mt Kisko was olde time cutesy. Main Street was one lane each way, and
tree-lined. They even had a barber shop with one of those revolving,
red and white poles that I haven't seen since I was a kid. And --
according to Bao -- an excellent selection of doggy bulletin boards,
all of which he peed on.
Today, a signing at Borders in Stamford.


Blogger Darlene said...

Send some of that rain this way. Actually, it's partly cloudy today and we may get some moisture. As you are well aware, we need it.

12:21 PM


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