Chairman Bao is a Shih Tzu. We travel a lot. I drive. He watches. We've logged at least 10,000 miles and he's never once said, Sweetheart, don't you think you should stop and ask someone?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

They lost our luggage

Bao and I made it to the Big Apple right on schedule, but our luggage
vanished someplace between Dallas and here.
Happens all the time, American Airlines said cheerfully. If you don't
get it back within 24 hours, we buy you a toothbrush.
Nice of them.
Flying has changed, and not for the better. In First Class, the hot
breakfast has turned into cold cereal and yogurt. And you don't get
extra weight allowance, anymore. One ounce over 50 pounds and they
charge you $50, on the spot. In Tourist Class, you now have to pay $35
to check a bag.
Bao didn't mind. He got to have MacDonalds for dinner.
The luggage arrived at 5 am this morning, so I don't get that free
toothbrush, after all.


Blogger Darlene said...

Happens all the time, huh? And you are supposed to be consoled by that fact.

My luggage was lost en route to Spain and I didn't get it back for a week. I had to wear the same dress until I could get to a store. I did get $50 for the inconvenience, but that was 15 years ago.

8:00 AM

Blogger Mari Meehan said...

With all this bad press on traveling, I may never again set foot on a plane. Not that I'd care. I hate flying!

7:25 PM


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