Chairman Bao is a Shih Tzu. We travel a lot. I drive. He watches. We've logged at least 10,000 miles and he's never once said, Sweetheart, don't you think you should stop and ask someone?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bao's surgery was uneventful, and successful. He had no trouble with the anaesthetic, his heart was fine, and they fixed the hernia.

I saw him shortly after he woke up. He was still very wonky from the drugs, and they're keeping him there overnight. I'm not happy about that, but there's a qualified veterinarian on duty all night, and if there was a problem, he'd be better off there than here.

I wanted to bring a sleeping bag and stay with him, but when I saw the area, I realized that this was unpractical.

It turned out to be a more complex surgery than anyone had anticipated, and took nearly four hours, but as I say, it went well. How can you ask for anything more than that?

Thank you all for your good wishes and good vibes. If all continues to go well, Bao can come home tomorrow morning.


Blogger Albireo said...

Wonky??? Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm wonky sometimes too. Praying for you, Bao!

8:55 PM

Blogger Billy Howliday said...

Great news !! We've been thinking about him (and you) all day yesterday. I even checked the blog just before going to bed around midnight, but no news. And now, I just got up, to read this, is the best news to start a 4 days long holiday weekend !!!

Now you can start counting the hours till you can take him home. With all the love and pampering he will get, I'm sure the recovery will be no problem at all!!
Big hug !
Chris, Miss Poppy and Lily

10:19 PM

Blogger Billy Howliday said...

Hello ? It's so quiet here ? Everything ok ?
Chris, Miss Poppy and Lily

9:49 PM

Blogger Albireo said...

Gail: You've been through so much: HouseBand Rollyn. Dog Rosie. Son Jim. Now, Bao. You're special--very special. Hang in there! Please, hang in there. You can walk off this field of defeat.

9:06 PM


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