Here's Bao with Laurie and a handful of Cory's birthday balloons. Bao loves Laurie (and he absolutely adores Cory) but as you can see, he's not so sure about the balloons.
Laurie is like a daughter to me. Today was her son Cory's birthday party, and to my delight, we were invited.
It was Bao's first kids' birthday party. Actually, it wasn't all that different from the doggie birthday parties we've attended. Presents, noise, paper cups and paper plates and lots of running around. At least, we didn't have to worry about the guests biting one another.
I don't have any family of my own, and I think it's kind of wonderful that Laurie has come into my life. We met at the gym nearly two years ago, and we hit it off right from the start. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself listening to her problems and giving advice (her own mother passed away when she was much younger) and then all of a sudden it was Christmas Eve.
What are you doing tonight? Laurie asked.
Nothing, I said.
But you can't be alone on Christmas Eve!
I said, I've been alone on Christmas Eve ever since my husband died, in 1989. That's 16 years of being alone. I'm used to it, by now.
Well, you won't be alone this year, said Laurie. You're coming out to dinner with us.
Suddenly, I was part of a family again. Just like that. It was the most wonderful Christmas Eve I'd had in years. We did it again last year. Same gang, same restaurant. It's becoming a tradition.
I had a wonderful marriage, but I've always envied my friends who have grownup daughters, and grandchildren. I've always wondered what it felt like.
It feels great, doesn't it?
My niece is like a daughter to me. We have a very close and special relationship that she was never able to achieve with her mother. I think perhaps it's a special blessing when one other than your own thinks enough of you to "adopt" you. And yes. It does feel good - wonderful, actually.
Now, if you're in the market for a sister... ;-)
1:46 PM
My two children are all the family I have. I'm thankful for them every day.
12:57 PM
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